1120 HST Cab
Engine type | Naturally Aspirated, Indirect Injection, Water Cooled Diesel |
Engine HP [kW] @ RPM | 20.1 (15) @ 2900 |
Displacement [in3 (cc)] | 67.2 (1102) |
Number of cylinders | 3 |
Fuel tank [Gal (L)] | 6.6 (25) |
Bore & stroke [in] | Bore : 3, Stroke : 3.2 |
Transmission type | HST – 2 range |
Number of speeds | Infinite |
Clutch | N/A |
Max speed (mph) | 7.3 |
Brakes | Single pedal |
PTO type | Independent Wet Clutch |
Rear PTO RPM | 540 @ 2837 |
Mid PTO RPM | 2500 @ 2837 |
PTO HP (kW) | 14 (10.4) |
Type | Open center with Position Control |
Maximum total flow [GPM (L/min)] | 7.6 (28.7) |
Total pump output, main (GPM) | 7.4 |
Total pump output, steering (GPM) | 3.8 |
3-Point hitch | Cat I |
3- Point hitch lift capacity @24" aft [lb (kg)] | 771 (350) |
Battery | 12.6 V, 650 CCA |
Alternator | 12V, 55A |
Overall length [in (mm)] | 100.4 (2550) |
Wheelbase [in (mm)] | 55.1 (1400) |
Turning radius [ft (m)] | 7.2 (2.2) |
Overall width [in (mm)] | 46.3 (1177) |
Overall height [in (mm)] | OS 86.6 (2200) Cab 80.5 (2044) |
Minimum ground clearance [in (mm)] | 6.7 (169) |
Weight [lb (kg)] | 1962 (890) |
IND [Front/Rear] | 18×8.5-10 / 26×12-12 |
TURF [Front/Rear] | 16×7.5-10 / 24×12-12 |
Model number | L11 |
Max lift height (in) | 73.2 |
Loader lift capacity [lb (kg)] | 794 (360) |
Digging depth (in) | 3.14 |